Kensington Primary School Prospectus

22 The extended schools provision at Kensington is an integral part of the school’s future direction. Our extended schools objectives are: To increase our children’s feeling of wellbeing leading to improved attendance, motivation, attitude and attainment. To improve our parents’ engagement with their children’s learning and with our school. To increase personalised learning to meet the needs of our children and their families thus allowing our entire community to have more opportunities to achieve personal goals. We also provide a Breakfast Club which runs from 7:30-8:30am. The charge is £1.00 per child per day, and for this your child can have a choice of cereal, toast, fruit and fresh juices. We are continuing to monitor our extended schools provision to ensure it fully meets the needs of our whole school learning community. EXTENDED SCHOOLS At Kensington Primary School we fully support the Newham Education Authority policy of inclusive education which aims to provide the opportunity for all children to work together in their local mainstream school. Inclusion covers a wide range of areas including Special Educational Needs (physical, medical, learning and behavioural), English as an Additional Language, Gifted and Talented and Pastoral Support. Inclusion at Kensington is set out in our policies and accessibility plan. Copies of any policies can be obtained online INCLUSION At Kensington we are committed to supporting ethnic, cultural, religious, linguistic, social diversity, gender and disability equality and will actively promote good community relationships and foster respect for all. This is supported through our curriculum activities, and behaviour policies. At Kensington we are proud that there is respect for each other and that we have high expectations for all. Any incidents are dealt with swiftly following procedures of the policy. Our Equality policy and other documents can be found on our website. At Kensington we are proud that there is respect for each other and that we have high expectations for all. Any incidents are dealt with swiftly following procedures of the policy. Our Equality policy and other documents can be found on the website or you can request a copy from the main office. THE EQUALITY POLICY 25