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Kensington Primary School

Kensington Primary School

Parent Queries 15/02/2019

You asked: What do you do to move children’s learning on?

We answered: Moving children’s learning on (PPMs)


At Pupil Progress meetings ( PPMs ) Reception and Nursery staff discuss children's progress and achievement and plan for next steps for the individual children, based on where each child is on their developmental journey. These next steps are clearly displayed in our classes and form the basis of our day to day planning and teaching. Sometimes we plan for specific activities for individual children or groups of children, based on the steps these children may need extra support in.

KS1 & LKS2

Pupil Progress Meetings (PPM) provide a regular, timetabled forum for analysis and professional discussion about the children’s progress and attainment.

The teachers share evidence of progress and concerns gathered from their day-to-day and summative assessments. This data is used to identify the children on track, those who are doing very well (exceeding) as well as the pupils who are not making expected progress.

During the meetings, all the participants, which include the class teachers, a member of WLT and SENDCO, discuss required actions and next steps (discuss pupils’ progress, identify issues and highlight specific strategies and actions to overcome barriers to learning).

The actions are monitored by the class teacher and Phase Leaders on a regular basis, to measure impact and discuss next steps in the follow-up and future meetings.


After a busy autumn term a series of formative and summative assessments were carried out to see in detail where our children were in terms of progression and attainment in core subjects. Following these assessments a series of meetings were held to discuss the data and to discuss teacher judgements. As a result of these meetings year group focus areas were identified for the spring term. We also tracked progress against projected targets and were able to highlight some children that may need extra support for spring term. Each child will have been set a series of targets to work on and this will be monitored closely by the class teacher. The details of this process will be shared with parents at parents’ evening. In the meantime if you would like to know more about the detail of how we will move learning on in the spring and summer terms please contact your child’s class teacher.

  • Tapscott Learning Trust
  • Ofsted
  • Mental Health GOLD
  • EAL GOLD Quality Mark
  • IQM Flagship School
  • RE Quality Mark Gold
  • Professional Development QM
  • Newham Changemaker
  • Music Mark
  • Primary Geography Quality Mark
  • Primary Science Quality Mark
  • Autism Education Trust
  • Teach Active Ambassador
  • School Games
  • Healthy Schools
  • Artsmark Silver Award
  • Eco-Schools
  • Stonewall Education Champion
  • TES2020 Wellbeing winner
  • Pearson Gold Winner - Primary of the Year
  • Pearson Silver Award - Excellence in SEN