Parent Queries 08/03/2019
Educational Visits including Residential
At Kensington Primary School, Year Groups plan out educational visits during every Half-Term. For EYFS, this is termly.
The educational visits are vital for our children’s learning and experiences, as they are often linked to the various Year Group’s current unit/s of work, or developed around specific themes, Trust events, as well as local and national initiatives.
The school has developed a robust system of planning out educational visits, which include an initial educational visit booking form application process, liaison with the phase leaders, SENDCO and EVC lead, then the relevant risk assessments carried out by the member of staff leading the visit. A pre-visit is also conducted, to ensure that there are no unforeseen issues or risks, for example road closures, etc. We also ensure that the agreed teacher/adult-to-pupil ratios are met and that the risk assessments are clear, present and available. First Aid-trained staff accompany educational visits and a first aid kit is taken with as well. With every risk assessment, emergency procedures and details are also factored and included.
The school provides all children with the choice to bring their own healthy packed lunches with on educational visits and readily provides a free packed lunch for any children who may require one on any of the educational visits.
Wherever possible, we do our utmost to minimise costs. For example, when public transport is required, we apply for free transport to and from the venues through our Transport for London (TfL) account. We also endeavour to ‘cap’ costs and subsidise more costly visits, as much as we can.
We also arrange an annual residential for our Year 6 pupils. This is currently to Fairplay House, which is owned and run by the London Borough of Newham. We are reviewing the current residential provision, with the aim to roll out residential opportunities to other year groups.
Our pupils benefit hugely from these educational visit experiences and we wish to thank all parents and carers for their on going support with these.