Learn with Your Child
Our first learn with your child session was a huge success!
Over 120 parents joined their children to take part in an active maths lesson, which is our new and improved approach to teaching maths. Active Maths teams physical activity with learning so that your children can learn key skills and knowledge whilst getting fit and keeping healthy. Your children will now take part in increased opportunities to move more during their maths lessons and every other week they will take part in one maths lesson outside of their classrooms. This style of teaching is inline with the latest research that shows increased physical activity improves concentration and learning.
Active Maths at home
If you would like to get more active with your children at home, whilst helping them to improve their understanding of maths check out the following links and ideas.
· https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers
· Move to multiples – chant times tables whilst hopping or jumping
· Go on a number hunt around the local area
· Count in 1s, 2s or even 8s whilst skipping
· Add or subtract one more or ten less to door numbers you pass whilst on a walk
· Hide maths questions in a green space for you children to find and answer
Keep an eye on our school website for more ideas on how your children can get active whilst learning maths.
Our next ‘Learn with your child’ session is on Monday 30th September and will focus on outdoor learning. This will equip you with more ideas about how you can help your children to learn whilst playing outside.