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Kensington Primary School

Kensington Primary School



Kensington lunchEvery primary school child in Newham is entitled to a free school meal and we encourage every family to take up this opportunity.

Kensington Primary School lunches are provided by Juniper (formerly Newham Catering and Cleaning Services).

Our lunch menu provides a healthy, nutritious and balanced meal.

The menu is put together by Juniper in consultation with the London Borough of Newham and other external agencies who advise on the best menu that should be provided for children to enjoy a healthy and balanced meal.



School lunchtimes are as follows:

Reception - 11:30-13:00

KS1-KS2 - 12:05-13:05

Halal food is available at our school and there is a variety of salads, sandwiches, and fresh fruit available every day. There is no need for parents to provide packed lunches, but if you feel your child must have food from home please ensure it complies with the healthy food standards. We do not allow chocolate, sweets or fizzy drinks. Children can be taken home at lunchtime to eat at home, however, we would prefer for children to stay at school, eat lunch and socialise with their friends at this time.

Please take some time to view our lunch menu served at our school. 

Packed lunches

If you are providing a packed lunch for your child then you are encouraged to follow the School Food Plan to ensure your child is eating a healthy and nutritious lunch. More information can be found here 

  • Tapscott Learning Trust
  • Ofsted
  • Mental Health GOLD
  • EAL GOLD Quality Mark
  • IQM Flagship School
  • RE Quality Mark Gold
  • Professional Development QM
  • Newham Changemaker
  • Music Mark
  • Primary Geography Quality Mark
  • Primary Science Quality Mark
  • Autism Education Trust
  • Teach Active Ambassador
  • School Games
  • Healthy Schools
  • Artsmark Silver Award
  • Eco-Schools
  • Stonewall Education Champion
  • TES2020 Wellbeing winner
  • Pearson Gold Winner - Primary of the Year
  • Pearson Silver Award - Excellence in SEN